Welcome to the Intelligent Video Solutions Learning Center. Intelligent Video Solutions is a software provider that serves customers within four major markets (corporate, healthcare, higher education and government). The purpose of our learning center is to help better educate people about video, its uses, current trends and supporting technologies within five primary applications (clinical skills, education & training, interviews, research and simulation). If you have any comments or are interested in submitting an article please contact us.
Clinical Skills
Clinical skills is defined as the capability to perform acceptably those duties directly related to patient care. Video often plays are large role in clinical skills development often as a training, observation and/or reflection tool. Below are a list of educational resources discussing video within clinical skills applications.
Elevate Clinical Instruction Using Video: Reflection by Angie Sterling-Orth UWEC SLP Clinic Director
Elevate Clinical Instruction Using Video: Video Self Modeling by Angie Sterling-Orth UWEC SLP Clinic Director
Elevate Clinical Instruction Using Video: Using Video Capture for Role Play by Angie Sterling-Orth UWEC SLP Clinic Director
Education & Training
Education is defined as the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession. Video can be used in a variety of educational and training capacities. Some activities (like educational based role play) are ideally suited for video observation and debriefing. The educational resources below discuss the use of video within education & training applications.
Closed Captioning for Strengthening viewer comprehension and retention by Justin Sherman IVS VP of Business Development
An interview is defined as a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person. Video observation and recording is common practice in a variety of interview applications. The most commonly recorded interview applications include law enforcement & child advocacy where a forensic interviewer is often working with either a suspect, victim or witness. The resources below cover video in interview applications such as these.
Enterprise Forensic Video Capture by Kevin Marti CEO Intelligent Video Solutions
Implementing Electronic Recording of Custodial Interviews by The Innocent Project
Designing an Interview Room by John E. Reid and Associates Inc.
Research is defined as a studious inquiry or examination, investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. Video can often be leveraged to improve the examination, investigation, discovery or interpretation phases of research. Below are some educational documents supporting this.
Research Observation & Recording Codes & Guidelines by Esomar World Research
Using Video-Based Observation Research Methods in Primary Care Health Encounters by Onur Asan & Enid Montague
Video Ethics and Young Children by E. Jayne White
Simulation is defined as imitation of a situation or process. Video is typically used as a means to observe, capture, and debrief on simulated events. Simulated training within the healthcare industry is very common and widely accepted as a great way for medical professionals in training to gain experience. Below you will find educational materials about video used in simulation applications.
Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH) by Simon R, Raemer DB, Rudolph JW.
Simulation Based Learning: Just Like the Real Thing by Fatimah Lateef
Design of Simulation-Based Medical Education In-Situ vs. Off-Site by The Authors
Accessibilty & Compliance
Accessibility & Compliance are becoming more and more critical to organizations serving education, healthcare, and government institutions. New laws are being put in place to ensure users with disabilities or clients with confidential information are properly covered. It can be confusing and even overwhelming to determine whether or not your organization is covered by some or all of the laws that govern accessibility or privacy.
Some Myths and Misconceptions of Digital Accessibility by Ashley Bernard
A Look Inside Section 508 Compliance by Ashley Bernard

A/V Platform Guide
The features and capabilities to look for when selecting the right audio/video capture solution.

6 Ways Customization from a provider makes A/V Capture More Effective.

Checklist of 10 Service Offerings you should expect from your A/V capture provider.
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