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Introducing Beam
Intelligent Video Solutions already features some of the industry’s best video observation and capture software with our Valt system, but did you know you can take Valt with you, wherever you go?

Secure Video Recording

Beam communicates over a secure channel using industry-leading encryption protocols.

Valt Server Integration

Beam integrates recorded training sessions with the central server, instantly appearing in your video library.  

Multi-Device Support

Beam is easily installed on any iOS device, including iPads and iPhones.


Beam is as portable as your electronic device, letting you record training sessions anywhere, at any time. 

Workplace training has recently underwent a revolution, thanks to the power of video. Using video to record corporate training sessions has tremendous advantages, including greater retention of learned skills, the ability to train large numbers of employees, a consistent training program, and significant cost savings.


Workplace Training Mobile Recording System

Intelligent Video Solutions already provides a large number companies with a powerful corporate training video system — our flagship Valt platform. Valt is among the best workplace training video recorder systems on the market, but we have taken the power of Valt and made it completely mobile — the new Beam iOS recording application.

Beam features some of the best video capture software available, yet is simple to install and operate. Beam instantly turns any iOS device, such as an iPhone or iPad into a high-definition mobile recording platform. Beam lets you record training sessions anywhere and at any time.

What is the Beam Mobile Video Recording App?


Beam doesn’t just turn your iPhone into a video capture device, it also automates all of the mundane functions of recording video, including formatting, encryption, and rendering. Beam automatically syncs with the Valt server and uploads all of the training sessions you recorded while away. The Beam app supplies each segment with metadata, in order to help categorize individual videos, and users can add their own notes to any video segment.

Beam also supports live streaming, an especially useful feature for a cooperative learning session video recorder. Training sessions can be conducted remotely, needing nothing more than an iOS device. Trainees can observe live training sessions through a Valt-supported browser and can be located hundreds or thousands of miles away.



Beam confers myriad advantages for companies’ training programs. Training sessions and presentations can be recorded at a moment’s notice. Beam can turn any location into an active learning center, with all video safely stored on the Valt system for later access.

Because Beam encapsulates the power of a fixed recording platform in a handheld iOS device, companies have no need to set up workplace training recording equipment, saving both time and money. Beam can effortlessly connect thousands of employees to a live training session in real time, eliminating the need for companies to spend money on travel or numerous extra training sessions.

The Valt video library can store training videos indefinitely. Companies can create a library of skills training videos, easily accessible by future instructors and trainees alike. The portability of Beam is also great for recording workplace safety videos, easily distributed to employees as needed.

Beam is available for iPad, iPad-Mini, and iPhone via the App Store, or you can learn more by contacting
us at sales@ipivs.com