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Nursing Scholarship

Nursing Scholarship
Nursing Scholarship

The need for well trained nurses is the difference between having and bad experience or and great one and could make a terrible situation worse. We at Intelligent Video Solutions understand how stressful it can be to get the training needed and staying well fed. Our nursing scholarship will help to lessen those pains.

Nursing Scholarship Criteria

This scholarship has been established by Intelligent Video Solutions. The scholarship shall be awarded to a nursing student that is currently enrolled in an accredited nursing program.

1. Be at least 18 years of age.
2. Must currently be enrolled in an undergraduate nursing degree program at an accredited college or university OR be a high school student who has been accepted to a school with an undergraduate nursing program.
3. Be a legal resident of the United States or hold a valid student visa.
4. Have a cumulative minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
5. Please submit a headshot in jpeg format along with your application.

The scholarship application committee requires all applicants to submit the below form via email to [ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS].
Please copy & paste this form into a new Word Document and save as:
This should also be the subject of your email.